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Cecil Harvey Empty Cecil Harvey

Post by Claire Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:03 pm

I CALLED IT!!! It's mine, ALL MINE!!!

Cecil Harvey Untitled-1

Cecil Harvey Dissidia_Cecil_Ending

Cecil Harvey Cecil1 Very Happy

Never did I think when it came time for me to write a topic dedicated solely to my favorite character in anything ever made, would I be at a loss for words. There's too much to say, and I find myself not being able to come up with anything to say. Perhaps it's because I think of Cecil as more than just a character, but a true inspiration from my childhood and still continues to inspire me today. Cecil as many of you know, was a dark knight who saw the error of his ways, and renounced his dark blade and took the path of the Paladin, bringing his father's sword in order to repent for his sins that he distraught over so heavily. I hear some say that FFIV had too heavy of a religious message for them to have fun with the game, although, I don't believe it's religious as just making moral decisions and paying for ones that are immoral. Cecil was just a shell of a man at first because he knew he could do nothing about the position he was in because he believed the law was absolute. Is breaking the law immoral? Yes. But so is killing innocent people in the name of a tyrant king, and Cecil threw these questions back and forth till he could take it no more. As payback, he was sent to deliver a package to a village, as loyalty that he would not question the king again. Unfortunately, Cecil had been used as a pawn to deliver a package of Bombs to a village of Summoners and he had absolutely no clue, and neither did his best friend Kain. Kain was also on the mission for defending Cecil, and all of these problems together must have made Cecil feel absolutely horrible. As a kid, this almost brought me to tears, and I was only a few minutes in.

But, through all of this turmoil, Cecil reached the decision to work for the corrupt king no more, and renounce his Dark Sword. He refused help at first, because he did not believe he deserved help, let alone to be given pity, but his friends saw past that and helped him to become a proud Paladin with an unwavering resolve. Cecil became a true knight henceforth, defending any who need protecting, leading the brave into battle, and still willing to show compassion in others who believed they were lost. Cecil is not just a character, he is a knight whose valor simply can't be tarnished. He is someone I wish I could be, not just because he's the coolest character ever, but because he is the kindest and truest knight who ever lived.

I think I know why I couldn't come up with anything to say, even though Cecil is someone I look up to more than anyone else. Maybe it's because everyone has their own object of admiration, and for many different reasons, mine being many. I secretly wish that no one else would make Cecil their idol and I don't want to give them reasons to do that. Childish, but I really do admire Cecil for everything he is, though he is a video game character with a well written background. Cecil is still the greatest knight I've ever seen and most likely ever will see.

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Age : 231
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Cecil Harvey Empty Re: Cecil Harvey

Post by Erel Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:22 am

One of the things I liked about Dissidia (lol. Hush!) is the fact that they made some really good aesthetic changes or maybe just redefined some of FF's more prominent characters. While I am no big fan of Cecil's purple lipstick, I have to say his dark knight outfit is a conclusive example of a badass who is a dark and dreary as he is ready to rock out with his locks out (at least as shown in this picture). I didn't delve into FFIV's core as much as many did, but I do say its story is worth more than the more recent FFs.

I still remember playing FFIV way back when and found myself complaining at the fact that when I had to fight Cecil's Dark Knight reflection, he had an ability that resembled Gafgarion from FFT that I wasn't able to use when I was the Dark Knight Cecil. I was livid because Cecil didn't really have cool moves in contrast to Kain and the others....

I heard they changed that though in the more recent adaptations of FFIV.

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Cecil Harvey Empty Re: Cecil Harvey

Post by Archangel Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:58 am

Cecil is a great character. One of the things that makes him so memorable is that he is dynamic, and you see his character grow throughout the game. Not too many characters do that, and the result is a character that you will never forget. I do prefer his dark knight form a bit more, as the japanese tend to give their male characters some girly characteristics. Not all, but I do see some in Cecil

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Cecil Harvey Empty Re: Cecil Harvey

Post by Zane the pure Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:44 pm

I don't remember FF4 having super religious overtones, but maybe it just didn't bother me.

Anyways, I admire Cecil as a hero in the way most people like Cloud. It's because at the beginning he isn't superman, his resolve is clouded because he knows better than to do such horrible things, yet he does so to honor his King. Finally his conscious has had enough and he tries to reason with the king, only to be striped of rank, and assigned a treacherous task (unbeknownst) to him. When he sees what his blind loyalty did to innocent people it kills him inside. In what I think may be one of the defining moments of video game story-telling he makes a complete 180 and sheds his doubts, and griefs, and becomes solely focused on making amends for his deeds. Through the course of the game he grows phenomenally, and that is what earns him my utmost respect.

Last edited by Zane the pure on Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammar lol)
Zane the pure
Zane the pure

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Cecil Harvey Empty Re: Cecil Harvey

Post by Claire Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:54 pm

I think they misinterpreted the morality aspect as repenting for your own personal sins. Somehow, they believed it was just a religious message and didn't delve any further. Pity, but I won't say I've never done something like that (cough) Mass Effect (cough). The fact that he was made a Paladin didn't tone down the religious message, apparently, and I guess they just gave up there. :[

I'm not saying that I ever thought of it as religious, though I wouldn't care either way, cause I love religious stories (Consantine and End of Days are awesome movies), but I do think there is a moral to be taken from the game and from Cecil's growth as a character, and that is if you know you are doing wrong, you should act against it. Doesn't always work, but it's a good path to live by, I believe.

Btw, Zack, if you managed to play Duodecim, they did bring back his retro design as DLC. It's the only costume I ever use because it's just so nostalgic to me. And his Paladin design is manlier, if you consider blocky Kingsom Hearts style to be manly.

Cecil Harvey 20110311224044!Cecil_DLC

Look! No purple lipstick! Very Happy

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Age : 231
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Cecil Harvey Empty Re: Cecil Harvey

Post by Archangel Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:38 am

Yes, that version is much nicer imo

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